I was asked, “Angela” I’ve been giving and giving for years and yet I don’t see the harvest. I’m still struggling to make it paycheck to paycheck. And now, gas is $4 a gallon….. I need to ask you, where is my harvest and where is God in this economy?  That’s a great question. And as usual, the Bible has the answer. Our economy is troubling to say the least. Maybe because of the combination of fuel prices, increased food prices and drop in housing values we may tend to feel like we are going through a famine. Well, the good news is  that the Bible chronicles the lives of God and His people through many troubling times.   The first famine mentioned in the Bible is in the first book of the Bible Genesis 12 with Abraham. The same “father of faith” mentioned in Hebrews 11 survived  with his family during an economic downturn. There was a famine in Isaac’s life and God actually used a famine to bring Jacob and his family to Egypt, to reconcile  Joseph and his brothers and provide for food and sustenance during the hard times.  God also used the prophet Agabus in Acts () to warn the church of a coming famine. 

A famine is the result of a lack of rain in the simplest form.  In a agricultural society, and before irrigation, if the land received no rainfall, the crops would die, then the animals, and eventually people.  Famines come for many reasons and complaining about the price of gas and corn is not going to help anything. As a matter of fact, it might even get our focus off of God’s ability to provide and onto only what we don’t have. The same famous chapter of Psalm which has the reminder that God is our shelter also reminds us that we may walk through the “valley of the shadow of death”.

The old timers tell us of how they made it through “The Great Depression.”  The baby boomers tell us of how they made it  through the recession of the late 1970’s and today after some prayer and meditation in God’s word, I am excited to share with you what God has shown me in scripture and how He helps people during difficult times and how you are going to make it through the valley. Remember, the valley is where two mountains meet.  As the Word says, this too shall pass. But until then, what does the Bible and the Holy Spirit have to say to you, today, in your difficult circumstances?

Where is God in this economy?  First of all, He is with His church. Jesus promised that he would never leave or forsake us and that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God.  Never believe the lie of the enemy that God has left you or that He has moved onto some more important issues than your life. If you are believer in Jesus Christ, you are in covenant with God and God is in covenant with you.  On the contrary, Jesus is very close to the one who is in pain. He is full of compassion and mercy. He is ever interceding on our behalf to the Father. This truth never changes, no matter what the stock market numbers are. Cling to Him even more, when you need peace and a settled heart.

Ok, you say, so He is with me and He is my Jehovah Jirah who provides, how is He going to provide?

That’s an good question and again, the Bible has the answers. Here are three for you to consider:

1) Men shall give to You…

In the very well known and often quoted scripture about giving Luke 6:38, the emphasis which I have heard most taught on has been on the “Give and it shall be given” part of the scripture. That verse illustrates the last of the four mercy’s all believers are to exhibit in life and circumstances.  And none of them are initially easy to do. They include loving your enemies, being merciful, not judging and giving.

Knowing that Jesus talked more about money than He did about heaven and Hell and other well know topics, it is important to remind believers that the Kingdom is supported by the offerings of the saints. Not that any ministry would reject and offering from an honest heart of someone not yet born again, but everything in the Bible is about covenant. God’s work is primarily sponsored by God’s people. 

After the verse explains how much will be given back to the one who gives, good measure, pressed down, shaken together  and running over, the next 5 words express exactly how you will receive the pressed down and running over return to your giving.  Men shall give to you……That’s right! It is like a giant triangle. I give to God. My offering rises to him on the wings of praise and worship. Then God will appoint men (people) to give, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

God has already, and continues, to bless your life everyday through people. Perhaps, even more than you know.    Let me explain…..In   Exodus, the children of Israel cried out to God because of their harsh treatment as Egyptian slaves.  Exodus 2:23. After the people cry out, Verse 24 says that God heard them and remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Exodus 3 then unfolds the story of God speaking to Moses through the burning bush The very next verse says that…God spoke to Moses and told Him to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to “Let my people go.”  .God used a man to answer the prayers of His people.

Over and over in the scriptures God uses people to be or bring the answer to people, after they have prayed to Him for help. Matter of fact, this section of scripture has become so alive in my spirit, that I direct many of my prayers this way and have seen God move miraculous for me.  A while back,  in frustration, I asked the Lord to help me with some areas on my life that were seeming to go nowhere. I had never heard it before, but I began to say “Father, I know that someone in the Kingdom can do this, but I need your help to make the connection.  If you created the stars in the sky and the sands of the sea and your know how many hairs I have on my head, surely you know someone who can help me with my needs.  It was only a matter of weeks that by a “chance” introduction, someone who lived in the next town, 30 miles away was brought into my life and has become a true friend in life,  a mentor in ministry, and an encourager during days of doubt. 

Maybe God will drop manna for you out of the sky like he did thousands of years ago, but I believe that most times, he will meet your needs by having “men give unto you.”

In your prayers today, thank God for meeting your needs according to his riches in Glory.  Begin to value every person God has put in your life and thank Him for the ones to come. 

2)   God has a Plan

When we feel that the financial bottom is beginning to crumble under our feet, sometimes we can choose to  “freeze” inside our emotions. We keep the daily routine going, but deep inside, we are either praying for Ed McMan to show up at our door with the big check or Jesus to return any moment. Just get us out of this mess.  If we ignore the obvious and think that money will rain from heaven, I believe that only disappointment lie ahead. However, He is a great father, and if we ask for bread, he won’t give us a snake. In other words, don’t ever think that God will trick you when you are in need…see Him as He is. A Good God.

Sometimes we choose to isolate ourselves from friends, loved ones because we don’t want to burden them. The “freezing and isolation” mode may work a little while while we are coping, but it won’t solve anything.  Your Jehovah Jirah is great with plans.  They are always unique for the situation and ultimately are used to prove again God’s amazing love and mercy.

When the Israelites were about to be free from Egypt after 430 years of slavery, in Exodus 12 God told Moses to speak unto the Children of Israel about the Passover lamb for every house, the baking a bread that they could take with them to eat later, and even visiting their Egyptian neighbors to borrow jewels of silver, gold and clothing (I’m hoping it included shoes.) I love verse 36, where it says that God also gave them favor in the sight of Egyptians. That’s right! God gave them favor with the same people that had kept them in slavery for hundreds of years. 

The “Passover Plan”  was not just a meaningless exercise in obedience, but a restructuring of their values with the slaughter of the innocent lamb and applying the blood for protection, their traditions (new cooking techniques with the unleavened bread) and a gathering of their thoughts and beliefs, because God was going to show them His great power of deliverance and fulfill his word to Jacob.

My friend, God has a plan for your life today.  It will be more than perhaps contacting a credit counselor, though that is needed many times. But in addition to providing for your natural needs, His greater desire is what He can do IN you during this time.

When the money gets tights, funds have to be redistributed, tough decisions made and followed through, and stubbornness and anger will not help. Only a humble, willing heart will see the Goodness of the lord in the Land of the living (Psalm 27) If interpreted correctly, crises moments in life,  reveals any remaining self will, which must come to the cross, and open our hearts  divine guidance which is intended to result in a revelation of God himself and who He is in your life

3)   It will always take Faith… 

When God spoke to Samuel to go to the house of Jesse for there I will anoint the next King of Israel, Samuel immediately obeyed the voice of God, followed the plan and went to Jesse’s house. Jesse (as any proud papa would) paraded his sons before the Prophet Samuel waiting  for that moment, when one of His sons would be anointed “King of Israel.” However, as Samuel went pass each of the sons, God kept saying no, no, not this one, not this one.  By the time he got to the end of the line, not one of them had been chosen by God for such a powerful destiny.  It had to be an awkward moment for the whole bunch. Let’s review:  God spoke to Samuel and said to go to Jesse’s house to anoint the next King and to the best of Samuel’s knowledge, he had followed the plan…..but this was not working out.  By this time in his life, Samuel, knew the voice of God and had obeyed all he had heard. ummmm eventually, he asked a simple question “are their any other sons?”  

With complete humility, and probably a little egg on his face, Jesse said yes, there is one more, but he is keeping the sheep. Samuel immediately demanded that the boy be brought before him. When this young man stood before the mighty prophet Samuel, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him,  and confirmed to prophet that this was the one whom God had chosen. This forgotten candidate was David, probably the greatest king Israel had ever known.  This story in I Samuel 16 unfolds not only the glorious ceremony of the initial anointing and calling of a young man, but an insight into how no matter who we are, or how much we are following the plan, the element of a faith will always accompany the believer. 

You may have the right man, and you may have the right plan, but without the constant leaning on the lord and launching out in faith, the opportunity for the miraculous will be missed.

Let’s agree right now, that things are beginning to turn around for you. God will send “men to give unto you” he will show you a plan and as long as you stay in faith, this season will not only pass, but you will be better for it.

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