Halloween is an interesting day for us as Christians. Some believers celebrate with parties and Full-Force-Fun while others ignore the holiday all together. Some have chosen to opt for the local church Fall Festivals and choose to dress up like Bible Characters.  Many, like me, pick and choose costumes and activities that are appropriate for their children… maybe trick or treating in your communitry, but no dressing up in scary or occult-like costumes. 


I have to say that the entire concept of Halloween is completely different than when I grew up.  All the neighborhood kids went door to door.  Parents never checked the candy for poison or razor blades and most of us were either cowboys, cheerleaders, astronauts or if we were short on time and budget, a pathetic attempt of a ghost in a old white bed sheet from the guest room with two holes for eyes cut out.


Well, those times are over. And this year Michael is 10 years old and more aware of witches, ghosts and “The Force” because of the media and the culture we live.  I can’t monitor everything he sees or everything a classmate says, but I can impart God’s thoughts through example, scripture, conversation and prayer.


What does the Courte family do?  My husband and I go with him from house to house to collect the treats and then we are off to the church Fall Festival tonight.
